
From Steady to Dynamic Teams - Navigating the Challenges of Flexible Team Structures in Software Engineering

von Christian Pauschert

In the fast-paced world of software engineering, the concept of team dynamics is evolving rapidly. Tesla has got some fame for pushing dynamic re-teaming to the extremes with mobs that regroup every couple of hours. While traditional wisdom has long touted the benefits of stable teams, successful examples like Tesla have shifted the landscape. Although Tesla’s extreme approach might not be a fit for everyone, flexible team structures are becoming more common.
Researchers at Google found out that who is on a team matters much less than how team members interact, structure their work, and view their contributions [1]. While a takeaway from this study is that stable teams are not a necessity for success, it stresses at the same time other factors of collaboration that are therefore crucial. This blog post wants to highlight best practices and challenges of dynamic re-teaming, exploring why flexibility is beneficial in software development, the contrast with stable team ideologies, and how approaches like unFIX can facilitate this transformation.

Best Practices for Dynamic Teams

Based on Google’s insights that who is on a team matters much less than how team members interact, structure their work, and view their contributions, the following best practices can be deduced:

  • Team Interaction: Effective interaction is crucial for any team. Open communication, active listening, and constructive feedback create an environment where team members feel valued and heard. Regular check-ins, collaborative problem-solving sessions, and fostering a culture of mutual respect can enhance team cohesion and productivity.
  • Work Structure: Clear and well-defined work structures help teams stay organized and focused. Establishing roles, responsibilities, and workflows ensures that everyone knows what is expected of them and how their work contributes to the overall value that is created. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, can provide the necessary framework for managing dynamic teams effectively.
  • Viewing Contributions: It's essential for team members to see the value in their contributions. Recognizing and celebrating achievements, both big and small, can boost morale and motivation. Creating a culture where contributions are acknowledged and appreciated helps team members feel a sense of purpose and commitment to the team's goals.

Challenges in Dynamic Re-Teaming

Implementing dynamic re-teaming isn't without its challenges. As teams continuously evolve, organizations must address several critical factors to ensure success:

  • Employee Engagement and Well-Being: Constant changes in team composition can affect employee morale and engagement. Ensuring positive team interactions through open communication and regular feedback can help maintain high levels of engagement and well-being. It's essential to support team members during transitions, recognizing their contributions and providing a sense of stability amidst the change.
  • Time to Market and Speed of Delivery: While dynamic teams can adapt quickly to new requirements, the initial setup and frequent re-teaming may introduce delays. Clear work structures are vital for minimizing disruptions and maintaining speed. Agile methodologies can help streamline processes and ensure that teams remain focused and productive, balancing the need for speed with the benefits of flexibility.
  • Employee Experience and Psychological Safety: Dynamic re-teaming can create uncertainty and stress among team members. Building a culture of psychological safety, where individuals feel comfortable expressing ideas and concerns, is vital. This can be achieved through positive team interactions and a supportive work environment, ensuring that all team members feel safe and valued.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: Teams must be resilient to handle the continuous changes inherent in dynamic re-teaming. This resilience is built through fostering a growth mindset, encouraging continuous learning, and promoting adaptability at all levels of the organization. Viewing contributions positively and recognizing achievements can help build this resilience and adaptability.
  • Process Improvement and Lean Practices: To manage the complexities of dynamic re-teaming, organizations need robust process improvement strategies. Lean practices, which emphasize efficiency and waste reduction, can help streamline workflows and ensure that re-teaming efforts contribute to overall productivity. Clear work structures and continuous process improvements are essential for maintaining efficiency in dynamic teams.

Stable Teams vs. Dynamic Teams: A Comparative Analysis

Traditional team-building wisdom emphasizes stability, arguing that long-term collaboration leads to deeper relationships, better communication, and improved performance through consistent practice. While these benefits are undeniable, they come with limitations in a field as dynamic as software engineering.
Stable teams may struggle with stagnation, reduced creativity, and the inability to quickly pivot in response to new challenges or opportunities. In contrast, dynamic re-teaming promotes continuous learning and flexibility. By regularly re-aligning team members based on project requirements, organizations can maintain a fresh perspective and leverage diverse skill sets to tackle complex problems effectively.

No One-Size-Fits-All Solution

Implementing flexible team structures is not a one-off task but an ongoing process. There are no off-the-shelf solutions that guarantee success. Each organization must develop its approach, tailored to its unique needs and challenges. This journey requires continuous experimentation, feedback, and adaptation.

To find their own process and best practices an organization needs to develop a common language and understanding of why they’re doing this, what practices exist, and which ones are useful. It is often challenging to find a common ground where to start. A pattern library like unFIX [2] can help facilitating this process.

Introducing unFIX: A Pattern Library for Dynamic Team Structures

Navigating the complexities of dynamic re-teaming can be daunting. By providing a collection of patterns unFIX can help organizations create and maintain flexible team structures. The unFIX library provides many options for describing an organization design, ways of working within a team, decision-making, goal-setting, and more. It suggests a bottom-up approach. You cannot build something large. You must begin with something small. This way one is inclined to deeper understand team roles, individual strengths and project requirements before scaling.


The shift towards dynamic re-teaming and flexible team structures represents a significant evolution in software engineering. While traditional stable teams have their merits, the need for adaptability in today's fast-paced environment cannot be overstated. Embracing this change involves acknowledging that there is no final setup for team structures—it's a continuous journey of refinement and adaptation.
Pattern libraries like unFIX can be invaluable in this journey, offering guidance and support as organizations strive to create teams that are both flexible and effective. As we move forward, the ability to dynamically re-team will be a critical factor in the success of software engineering projects, driving innovation and ensuring resilience in the face of constant change.

[1] https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-emea/consumer-insights/consumer-trends/five-dynamics-effective-team/
[2] https://unfix.com/what-is-unfix

